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6. Is it possible to subdivide the object without smoothing it?
Also, I've noticed that if I create a background image in a top view (for example) then sometimes something weird starts to going on with the manipulator. It's almost like it switches between the screen mode and whatever mode I have it set to. Also, the manipulator stays in place when I move the geometry, even though I have "Group pivot goes with objects" and "Manipulator goes with selection in manual mode" options enabled.I'm not able to reproduce it each time though.When it begins to happen in my scene, restarting NVil helps to bring things back to normal.
7. What is the clipping style for the viewport, Auto or Manual? If Auto, your camera focus point maybe too behind. You can use either 'Set View Focus Point' command (default:Ctrl+Alt+Shif+RMB) click on a mesh surface, or View > Viewport Flaming > Best Fit to adjust it. If Manual, you also need to check the near clip plane value to make sure it is not tool big. See Edit > Preference > Clip Plane.
8. The symmetry plane is always original from the mesh's pivot. Initially mesh's pivot is located at object's pivot. Can you tell me how did you mirror the model. In NVil, mirror operation and symmetry operation are different things. mirror operation is mesh level operation and it does not set symmetry information onto the mesh, while symmetry operations will setup symmetry information and it let you modify on one side and get symmetrical result on both sides.
(...) If the move manipulator is out of view, the program will display it at the center of the screen to let you still be able to interact with it.
I have clipping set to automatic. Best fit... well, it acts kind of strange. Single use of best fit didn't yield any good results. In fact, the clipping occurred even earlier than before. I was about to describe it here, but before that I began to test mirroring and symmetry again and after a while (and a lot of "best fitting" to frame selections) I realised that the clipping in orthographic views was minimised almost to none. Go figure.