

Topic: [Solved] Spline Patch from Existing Edge  (Read 9974 times)

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September 27, 2017, 11:26:20 am
In draw mesh this feature works perfectly where you can easily patch a new mesh onto an existing by drawing 3 new lines and only have to use the MW to adjust the subdivisions in one direction because it already knows how many edges it is joining onto.

It would be great if a similar feature could be incorporated into spline patching.

If I generate a new spline from the existing edge (to create the 4th spline), I am finding it hard to scroll my MW to the right amount of subdivisions so it matches the edge I am joining onto. Hope that makes sense, its hard to describe in words.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2017, 02:51:46 am by kevjon »

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September 29, 2017, 09:38:35 am
It is a too big work to implement this outside of Draw Mesh tool.

You can import the splines into Draw Mesh tool. The program will check vertex snapping automatically when importing.

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September 29, 2017, 02:40:23 pm
If I generate a new spline from the existing edge (to create the 4th spline), I am finding it hard to scroll my MW to the right amount of subdivisions so it matches the edge I am joining onto.

01. Extrude edge (edge between the 2 splines connected to the mesh)
02. Streamline engine basic tools:- Suboject Tools > Circularize_Selection_Spline (will move the extruded edge to align with selected spline)
03.  Create 2 open splines from the edge loops of the extrusion. (then delete the polygons that where created from extrusion)
04. Create Spline surface (dropping number of edes produced to zero in one direction, will force cuts to align to spline control points)

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October 01, 2017, 04:26:37 am
It is a too big work to implement this outside of Draw Mesh tool.

You can import the splines into Draw Mesh tool. The program will check vertex snapping automatically when importing.


Thanks for having a look at it and suggesting an alternative (in DrawMesh).

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October 01, 2017, 04:34:38 am
Does it work?

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October 01, 2017, 05:00:13 am

01. Extrude edge (edge between the 2 splines connected to the mesh)
02. Streamline engine basic tools:- Suboject Tools > Circularize_Selection_Spline (will move the extruded edge to align with selected spline)
03.  Create 2 open splines from the edge loops of the extrusion. (then delete the polygons that where created from extrusion)
04. Create Spline surface (dropping number of edes produced to zero in one direction, will force cuts to align to spline control points)

Its a bit of extra work, but that works a treat, thanks Steve !
Probably easier though if just use less dense meshes when using Spline Loft and just scroll till it matches up.

Its a pity that the streamline version of Spline Loft (when you dial the MW to 0) you cannot get it to use spline points of the spline that you generated from the edge of the existing mesh. It always wants to use the other splines which 90° to it.

I've never used Circularize_Selection_Spine before but now I know what it does I think I will use it for much more than Spline Lofting. Thanks for the tip !

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October 01, 2017, 05:15:48 am
I think I've found another way.

If I use SplineVertex Shortcut Tools >> Loft

Select 2 splines shown orange and set it to even path segments I get the result I was after. You may have to play around with the order of the first point for Spline_a & Spline_b to stop it going in all sorts of weird directions.

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October 01, 2017, 05:38:34 am

You can import the splines into Draw Mesh tool. The program will check vertex snapping automatically when importing.

Sorry Istonia, I cannot figure out how to do that ?

I selected all 4 splines > started draw mesh > Clicked on Import last used button > That doesn't seem to do anything.

I then selected all 4 splines > started draw mesh > CapsLock+RMB & then dragged up and down left and right and that didn't seem to do anything.

I then left all 4 splines unselected > started draw mesh > CapsLock+RMB & then dragged up and down left and right and that didn't seem to do anything.

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October 01, 2017, 05:50:15 am
follow these steps
1. Unselect all the splines. You only need 3 splines. Hide that spline which attach the mesh alongside its edges.
2. Select the exiting mesh.
3. Open Draw Mesh tool.
4. CapsLock+RMB drag up more than 400 pixels to import the splines. You have done that before and it should work.
5. CapsLock+LMB on one of three splines.
6. Adjust the segments.

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October 01, 2017, 06:12:37 am
Thanks Istonia,

That is now working beautifully and is by far the fastest way to patch a hard surface object accurately and have it automatically join to the existing mesh. Now that I understand how It works Its going to reduce my time to create spline loft meshes significantly and still allow me to do accurate work.

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October 01, 2017, 06:15:56 am
Good to hear that:)

You now can create spline inside Draw Mesh tool. Please check the new version in Draw Mesh tool thread.

  • Posts: 514
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October 01, 2017, 06:48:05 am

You now can create spline inside Draw Mesh tool. Please check the new version in Draw Mesh tool thread.

Just tried it that works really good. Only minor issue if you finish your spline with RMB and it is too close to another drawn line, it will erase it.

Thanks very much for implementing splines, that is a great addition to draw mesh.