

Topic: Creating a path with a edge loop?  (Read 16574 times)

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July 26, 2012, 04:03:14 am
Hi 3dwizzard,

I have not yet been able to find my backup copy of poser, so could not check directly. But from information I found, it appears that 1 unit in poser = 103.2 inch (but that can vary between which character is used).
So for scaling I would suggest (although there is a slight error):-

.obj import at 100
.obj export at 0.01

When making objects in Voidworld (for Poser), you can set up the units in "Edit-> Preference" In the "General" tab at the bottom right, you will see "Unit setup". By default, it is using "Generic", but you can change that so that you will be able to build to scale. Set the units as:-

one mm = 0.0394
one Meter = 39.3700
one inch = 1.0000

You can then select which unit type you want to use (inch/metric), and the dimensions shown in VoidWorld be OK to use.
For simple example. If you make the setting as shown above, and choose to use inches, you can create a cylinder 3 foot high, export it as obj, and that should import into Poser at approximately the correct hight for the character.

  • Posts: 82
  • Edge
July 27, 2012, 01:55:51 am
Thats much better:

I think that the first time I've ever understood anything about scale.
You're a good communicator. Thank you.

I do not currently have poser installed, but will see if I can find the programme later and install it to check what unit size it is using. I will then be able to better tell you what scaling factor to use for the characters, and to what scaling you should make to export objects so they are to scale when you import them into Poser.

If I export out of poser at its defaults. And import it into VW, using the formula you just explained.
It should be okay. Right?
The only thing I do different when I export it out of Poser. Is disable kinematic, and zero the figure in the joint editor.

  • Posts: 82
  • Edge
July 27, 2012, 02:13:39 pm
Looks like I missed this one.  :-[

So for scaling I would suggest (although there is a slight error):-

I did set it up 100 inport and 0.01 export.
What is the slight error?

And I set up the unit scale in the general preferences. I'm used to working with inches.

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July 27, 2012, 08:34:37 pm
Hi 3dwizzard,

I did set it up 100 inport and 0.01 export.
What is the slight error?

There is a slight error, but only on dimensions, due to the fact we do not know what a characters hight actually is.
When creating cloths or objects onto an imported character, then it is not a problem at all, as you are creating the cloths/objects based on the scale of the character.
It is only when building objects to actual scale where there may be a slight error, but doubt you will actually notice.

One thing to watch for. In Poser .obj import options, there is "Percent of standard figure size". When importing objects you have created to scale in VoidWorld, you should disable that option.

  • Posts: 82
  • Edge
July 28, 2012, 01:17:44 am
About that percentage of figure size. Like the skirt I am making? I exported the figure I fit it to,
was at Posers scale.

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July 28, 2012, 07:08:24 am
Hi 3dwizzard,

Yes, [in Poser] disable "Percent of standard figure size" when importing the skirt, or any other item you have made to scale.

  • Posts: 82
  • Edge
July 28, 2012, 03:02:13 pm
Good to know, thank you.  ;D