

Topic: Problem with Retopo Z Offset  (Read 6761 times)

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January 26, 2015, 08:11:54 pm
Hello. My problem is that retopo z offset stopped to work. No matter what value I put in, it changes nothing, I can't see geometry through reference mesh. I tried to change clipping plane, and scane scale and it did nothing. Also is there a way to roll back the setting to defualt. I delated the Diggital Fossilis folder in my documents, as well as main application folder, still the settings persists. Thanks in advance.


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January 26, 2015, 10:56:26 pm
One more thing that I've noticed is that now every edge is really thin, and they even appear dashed at some angles. Their color suggest that they are "crease thin"(prefernces>colors), and it doesn't change when pick few, so there is no visual indication what edges are selected. This is true to all geometry, no metter if it's already in the scene or if it's newly created.

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January 27, 2015, 05:44:33 am
It is likely your scene scale setting is too small for the scene geometry size. The z offset is scene scale dependent.

There are two ways to set your scene scale.
* View > Scene scale.
* or View > Auto Scene Scale Enabled. Once the scene scale is set to the right level, you can disable this option if you like, so the scene scale won't get changed from time to time when the scene geometry size is changed.

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January 27, 2015, 08:33:17 am
Thank you for reply, but as I mentioned, I checked scene scale, no matter its 0,1 or 10000,z offset doesn't work. I can pick points, edges or faces in retopo, but regarding visibility z offset slider only affects vertices, but it takes no effect on faces or edges. I don't know what could be the cause. I deleted settings, tried previous versions of Nvil, and updated my display drivers. The thing is it worked properly on the same scene previously, now it somehow changed and it doesn't work anymore. I think it can be related to edge display problem that I told about in my second post. Any help is appriciated.

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January 27, 2015, 08:55:51 am
Can you try to create a simple sphere and try to do retopo on it? If it doesn't work properly, can you show us in a video?

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January 27, 2015, 10:24:23 am
yes, I've tried, the effect is the same. I'm at work right now, I'll upload the video as soon I get home.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2015, 10:25:54 am by xenoox »

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January 27, 2015, 08:29:13 pm
I uploaded video with all issues mentioned before. Here's link

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January 28, 2015, 05:00:34 am
It is possible you have a faulty graphics card. Do you have another pc for testing?

Have you try "Best Fit", F6? And "Set View Focusing Point", Ctrl+Alt+Shift+RMB?

What does it look like if you disable Retopo Mode?
« Last Edit: January 28, 2015, 05:02:43 am by IStonia »

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January 28, 2015, 07:10:02 pm
Hi xenoox,

One more thing that I've noticed is that now every edge is really thin, and they even appear dashed at some angles.
Nvil does not control edge display/AA. That is done with hardware(GPU) settings.
Have you recently changed graphic driver/settings? or maybe a windows update as made changes?

Which graphics card are you currently using?

Their color suggest that they are "crease thin"(prefernces>colors), and it doesn't change when pick few, so there is no visual indication what edges are selected. This is true to all geometry, no metter if it's already in the scene or if it's newly created.
That is very strange and not something I have seen before.

I would certainly take time to check you graphics drivers first. For nVidia / AMD there are free driver cleaners available, that will remove all drivers/orphan drivers/dll's, and allow for a new clean installation.

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January 28, 2015, 10:54:33 pm
Hello again. Im glad to say that I managed to solve the problem, and it appears that problem was on my side (as I thought) ,so take my apologies for any confusion. Regarding the issue, I'd put nvil in program files folder and it did't worked properly until I started the program with administrator privileges. Acutally everything was working fine from this location for some time. So, again sorry and thanks for you attention. Cheers.