

Topic: Nvil clipboard MOI 3D  (Read 8984 times)

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May 13, 2014, 11:47:25 am
Hay people, I'm glad to present to you Nvil/MOI Applink.
Now it is fast as never before!!!

Thanx to IStonia for upgrate Cliboard function of Nvil and Polyxo for some Rhino script ideas.

I spend a bit time to wrote this simple script for Rhino :)

Check this video:

Nvil, no less then: NVil-May-13-14 you can download it here:

Script for Rhino:
! SelAll delete Import "C:\Users\your_user_name\AppData\Roaming\DigitalFossils\NVil\Media\Clipboard\ClipboardObj.obj" ZEA _tsConvert _tsSmoothToggle _tsConvertToRhinosurf CopyToClipboard

Script for MOI to export:
export C:\Users\your_user_name\AppData\Roaming\DigitalFossils\NVil\Media\Clipboard\ClipboardObj.obj

Also I used customised interface in Nvil so do not be afraid if your Nvil looks diffrent...
« Last Edit: May 13, 2014, 12:17:43 pm by samardac »

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May 13, 2014, 12:09:27 pm
Well - sorry to spoil the party - the question is what one actually gains by adding Tsplines to the mix.
As soon as one converts to Nurbs one ends up with valid but extremely complex Nurbs geometry with odd patch layout. One will likely run into complications both in Rhino and in MoI when doing more serious surfacing operations than just cutting holes into the result...

Until today there simply is no automated Nurbs conversion possible which spits out useful surface-geometry.
But as you seem to do display only work the question really is what profit Nurbs conversion can bring you anyway.

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May 13, 2014, 03:37:07 pm
This is how it works:

I think it is normal practise to convert T-Spline result and then continue to work with this.
May be there is some cases that need to be extremly precise I do not know, but for me it is more than enough.

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May 14, 2014, 08:51:05 am
I think it is normal practise to convert T-Spline result and then continue to work with this.

Frankly I can not imagine such a workflow greatly useful to a larger userbase.
The only case which comes to my mind, where conversion of a frozen highly dense SubD mesh to Nurbs via Tsplines might have some value was CNC milling. Some Toolpath generators do only accept Nurbs as input - that way on could make mesh data compatible to the CAM-program.

For all other scenarios I would think it's just the way to turn a perfectly fine and editable mesh model into a all bumpy and poorly editable Nurbs model. Also when thinking of possible render output and UV-mapping (which I understand is your primary goal)you were much better off keeping the model a mesh.

This is not to say that one can not use Tsplines for precision parts (I myself have first used the program when it still was in Beta, nearly ten years ago)... This guy shows all sorts of aviation modeling with Tsplines on his Blog - but he deals with manageable Low Res Cages and makes a lot of use of shape analysis tools. But here the concept is to define the shape entirely in Tsplines (or maybe on top of an imported low poly SubD-basemesh). Conversion to Nurbs here takes place at the very end so that one gets compatible geometry for CNC-cutting.

« Last Edit: May 14, 2014, 08:54:43 am by polyxo »

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May 14, 2014, 03:32:22 pm
I still do not understand why not to use T-Spline :)
Check my video in previous post you will se how I import in Rhino low poly and convert it.

Check this fotos, I import base mesh in MOI and start to work, this is one day result:

I really have no any problems working this way :)

« Last Edit: May 14, 2014, 03:38:09 pm by samardac »

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May 14, 2014, 05:50:02 pm
Nevermind - I certainly did not want to criticize you!
The clay render indeed looks nice – but I hope we can agree that it's clearly Nurbs modelling done with just visual output in mind. The same model for technical purposes would have a fundamentally different patch structure. I see problems in getting the model watertight when working on such complex polysurfaces and also textured render output (by using UV-Unwrapping) should be more problematic than with Subdivision surfaces.


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May 15, 2014, 06:28:13 am
I do not make models for technical purposes, just for games, movies and other broadcast..
I convert nurbs to obj and make UV, this is my work flow. I really do not know any specification for technical purposes :)

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December 18, 2014, 12:40:01 pm
Thanx Sarmadac...

I am having a serious look at Moi  and see how great it is actually.  There are a lot of advantages to Nurbs output. 

Producing a subdivision friendly mesh is not really possible, but final output is great,  and its certainly allows for new forms and shapes.

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December 18, 2014, 02:03:58 pm
Before I meat Nvil I worked for couple of years in MoI the main problem with MoI is that it can not produce organic shapes. I develope one method that is known in MoI community as Samardac Method that allows to produce organic shapes using LOFT. You can check this method here:
But this method is not as powerfull as Polygonal Modeling. So I started to experiment with polygons and tried a lot of polygonal modellers and stoped on NVil becouse its speedy workflow. Now I can combine the power of nurbs and polygons.
NVil is very close to MoI in terms of workflow speed, but to know NVil very good I spent a lot of time.

If you are interesting in MoI you can check tons of my tutors on my youtube chanell:


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December 19, 2014, 10:22:59 am
I completely agree with you!   Nvil and Moi have the most efficient and speedy workflow that I know...and I have looked at all of them.  They are missing some essential features that the bigger apps have,  but the foundation is rock solid.

Thanx for the youtube links, I have already watched most of them.

btw,  I already made a dark UI if you want to look!  :)

If Moi should get organic nurbs modelling,  it would need to support doing retopology on top of a polygonal referance mesh.

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December 20, 2014, 10:12:50 am
Yep show me) I searched for dark UI sometimes ago, but now I choose to work on light color scheme everywhere. I set NVil, Moi and KeyShot to  be light. I fill more inspiration when everything is white, when UI is dark, I feel some kind of burden, just personal fillings :)

If Moi should get organic nurbs modelling,  it would need to support doing retopology on top of a polygonal referance mesh.

Oh I pray that MoI has at least Polygons to Nurbs Converter. Some guy from Russion MoI community made MoI subdiv plugin, check it:

but now this plugin is not perfect it produce some kind of seams, but he told  that he will finish it during Chrismas weekends. Also we have import .obj plagin, so if we combine those two we will can convert simple low poly models to Nurbs without Rhino and TSpline. But have to say TSpline have TOP MOST quality.

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January 14, 2015, 09:26:26 pm
Here is my dark UI

btw,  I am use Autohotkey to get the Radial Menus to!  There are still some issues with Radial Menus..but it does work.