

Topic: Some modeling question  (Read 6606 times)

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May 16, 2014, 08:05:47 am
Hay people what is the fastest way to make 1, 2 from box ?


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May 16, 2014, 01:09:02 pm
I'll bite.  Here's one very fast method utilising the procedural box primitive creation dialog, though I can think of another very fast method using the "Double Cut Loop/Slide" edge tool instead.

Figure 1.
-Create box primitive with the following segments:
Height 2, Length 3, Width 2 (or create this manually with the Loop Cut Tool or double variant)
- Select the (single) Top-Middle Face of the right side of the box and extrude it backward to the center edge loop, using snap if necessary.
- Delete the 2 unnecessary top faces left by the extrusion, and weld the open edges.

Figure 2.
-Create box primitive with the following segments:
Height 2, Length 3, Width 1 (or create this manually with the Loop Cut Tool or double variant)
- Select the Top-Middle Faces (three) of the left, right, and top of the box, then delete them.
- Use the "Bridge" Tool (default shortcut "D"), to create new faces from the open edges, thus closing the mesh back into a solid as described in your screenshot.

Sorry I didn't have time to document with screenshots - hope this helps, though.  May I ask the reason for your question, though?  I saw the excellent helicopter you modelled, not to mention your portfolio, so clearly you already know your way around a subD box primitive?  ;)

Cheers ~J
« Last Edit: May 16, 2014, 01:14:11 pm by JTenebrous »

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May 16, 2014, 01:31:28 pm
Hay, JTenebrous,

Thanks for your comment, I made first figure the same way. The second I also made the same way  :)

But your method with bridge is more convinient!

I meat some kind of this situations during work but on more complex shapes. I just wanted to know possible variants how to solve it, may be there are some special instruments that I do not know :)

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May 16, 2014, 01:42:01 pm
I just wanted to know possible variants how to solve it, may be there are some special instruments that I do not know :)

Got ya - I too quite enjoy seeing how other experienced modellers respond to some basic scenarios.  I guess we all probably develop habits over years because they "get the job done", but it's good to know if new tools come along that are more efficient.  Regarding this same example, I build about 25% of my models in CAD software, most of which have at least some element of "Direct Editing" / "Realtime Boolean" functionality these days.  If I wantedto extrude a rectangular shape into or through a solid, as in this case, I would simply draw a new face onto the cube, and Extrude/Push it into/through... no welding required or left-over faces that need to be deleted.  I would so love to have that kind of an extrude/boolean tool in NVil, but I guess that's one of the strengths of NURBs geometry, and I'm not certain if a SubD modeller could work that way?

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May 16, 2014, 02:05:59 pm
I also experienced user of MOI 3D if you know it is Nurbs modeller, also have habbit to dray rectangle and boolean but polygons is something absolutley diffrent for me especially with sub-d :) It looks like direct modeling is impossible in poly area, new Modo have some feature but I hardly can name it poly it isalready something diffrent :)

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May 18, 2014, 04:31:57 pm
The Bridge Streamline tool is really powerful.

Several options are possible with it.