

Topic: Splines - selection filtering and visibility  (Read 7310 times)

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January 09, 2014, 04:05:25 pm
We use splines as construction curves to build geometry. However, I think we can all agree that at certain point during modelling they are not needed any more and just clutter the viewport, but at the same time we want to preserve them. 
Also, when selecting multiple objects with any type of marquee selection, we can unwillingly include some curves and not notice this until we perform some action on selected items.

This is why I think it would be very convenient to have some easy means to:
- Exclude/include splines in rectangle/circle/fence/lasso selection methods.
- Toggle splines visibility in the viewport.

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January 09, 2014, 04:36:57 pm
This is a situation I run into all the time in CAD programs (since practically everything is based on splines/NURBS curves) and I deal with it in NVIL largely the same way I deal with it in CAD:  I create a folder/group for Splines in the scene explorer and place my splines in there.  Then, if I don't want to interact with them, see them, etc. (but still keep them), it's a simple matter of middle-clicking on the Splines group folder to toggle them on or off.

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January 09, 2014, 05:38:59 pm
Yes, normally that's the right way to do it. However the thing is, that I constantly run into problems when using hierarchy folders in Scene Explorer (SE).

Some examples:
Code: [Select]
1. Select some splines and add them to folder with "Add Selection To Group" command.
2. Splines are now in both places: the root level and in the folder.
Code: [Select]
1. Select curves, either in the viewport or by SHIFT+2xLMB in SE.
2. Drag them over folder.
3. Only one them is moved to the folder(!). It doesn't exist on root level anymore (which is okay).
4. Select the folder and "Remove Selection From Group".
5. The curve completely disappears from SE. Forever! But it is still present in the scene and on "Object list".
And so on.
Also, SE operations seem to be non-undoable.

I don't know, maybe I used those folders in a wrong way. But these are the reasons why I rather try to refrain from coming into any contact with them in SE.

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January 09, 2014, 06:46:55 pm
Hi rubberDuck,

I agree that the current grouping implementation is a pain. I avoid the groups now as much as I can in Nvil (in fact, I have started to avoid Nvil due to its strange logic). The fact that all objects are added to the object group listing in itself is reason for me to pull my hair out.
If as example, IStonia thinks it logical to add single objects under the object groups in SE, then why not also add all the single polygons under the polygon groups, and/or all the single edges under edge groups and/or all the single vertex under vertex groups?.
I have seen various questions before about the implementation for the groups, but they get dismissed by IStonia.

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January 09, 2014, 08:01:47 pm
The fact that all objects are added to the object group listing in itself is reason for me to pull my hair out....

I'm in definite agreement with you on that one.  I made a post just today in the bugs forum about a major issue with inconsistency between poly groups created in the "Polygon Groups dialog box" (Polygon Mode>Geometry>Group) and the "Polygon Group folder in SE", and I really hope it gets sorted out.  But on a greater level, I don't see why I'd want an object to show up within the "Object Groups" tab of the SE unless I specifically assigned it to a group.  If I want to select an individual object with no grouping, I'll either do it directly from the viewport, or from the Object List within the SE.  As it is, however, the Object List tab is pretty redundant because the only thing it appears to do that isn't already covered by the Objects Group tab is list object vert count, face count, volume, etc.  And while that information can be useful, what it doesn't allow me to do, for example, is instantly hide an object with a middle-click... the Object Group tab has that functionality, however, so I tend to use the Object Group tab as my de facto object list as well.  I'd definitely prefer that the Object Group tab be used for managing groups, and that the Object List be used for selection/visibility/scene navigation, etc.  And while we're on the subject, a basic system of organisation would be useful within the Object List... being able to create a folder structure there would be useful to organise a scene - placing items in a folder wouldn't "group" them, it would just allow me to sort objects by type, relationship, or whatever I choose to help me keep things straight.  For example, I might make a folder full of spline objects and label it "Splines" so that I could show/hide every spline at once and/or keep the folder collapsed when I'm not interested in seeing which spline objects are available within my scene - without "grouping" them.  Failing this, why not just merge the Object List tab with the Object Group tab to make a more consistent object organisation structure there?  I think the 3ds Max scene explorer is worth considering as a possible model here - I can use it to group objects, categorise them in a folder structure, hide/show objects, freeze/unfreeze objects, turn on/off lights, determine whether an item appears when rendered, SEARCH for objects within a scene, FILTER the display of objects by object type, and so on.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2014, 08:04:20 pm by JTenebrous »

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January 09, 2014, 08:43:02 pm
Ah! I always thought Object Groups tab was an outliner containing scene hierarchy. So all it holds are just selection groups? Something like Maya's quick selection sets? And the outliner is that... flat, one-level-only Object List?

And while we speak about good examples of scene explorers, Maya's Outliner is really worth looking into as well. It's fabulously easy and fast to work with.

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January 09, 2014, 08:48:10 pm
I made a post just today in the bugs forum about a major issue with inconsistency between poly groups created in the "Polygon Groups dialog box" (Polygon Mode>Geometry>Group) and the "Polygon Group folder in SE", and I really hope it gets sorted out.

The probability is that the "Polygon Group Dialog" was intended to be removed when the grouping system was moved to the SE (as the "Geometry-> Create-> Sub-object Group" was removed back in April last year). You will also find that polygon groups added to the "Polygon Groups Dialog" are not saved between sessions.

I did prefer the old way of working with sub-object groups rather than having to bring up the SE, my only problem with the "Create sub-object group" was that the window would auto close when changing between sub-object selection type, rather than the group window simply changing sub-object type status.

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January 10, 2014, 07:42:04 pm
Hi rubberDuck,

- Exclude/include splines in rectangle/circle/fence/lasso selection methods.
- Toggle splines visibility in the viewport.

I have been having a quick look, and you can currently hide/unhide all splines.

Easiest way I have found up to now:-

For hiding all splines, you can set up a simple composite tool.
Common Modeling Shortcut Tools >> Switch to Object Mode
Common Modeling Shortcut Tools >> Clear Selection
Object Shortcut Tools >> Select All Spline Objects
Common Modeling Shortcut Tools >> Hide/UnHide#

To Show All Spline, you can simply go into object selection mode and call "Object Shortcut Tools >> Select All Spline Objects", which actually shows all splines and selects them. So you could if preferred create a simple composite tool for that.

That may be helpful?

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January 10, 2014, 08:18:52 pm
Helpful? This is brilliant, Steve! Solves all of my problems. :)
Thank you.