

Topic: Object Group  (Read 19868 times)

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  • Polygon
May 06, 2013, 08:14:25 pm
NVIL exports poly_groups by default (although it was broken, but now fixed).

The only way I can see a possible problem is if option" Regroup polygons by meshes" is enabled, which would probably change the exported poly_groups.

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May 07, 2013, 05:46:21 am
Sorry about that, I had that wrong in memory.
That said - it still works on my side, Zbrush can see Polygroups in .obj's exported with Nvil.

can we see your setting in the File Format Option or what steps are you doing to make it possible to see poly groups in zBrush. Thanks

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May 07, 2013, 07:17:36 am
Arvin, I check your obj file and can't see any difference in terms of format. Can you show me another obj file exported from NVil whose polygon groups do not show up in zBrush. You can just import that file into NVil then export it.

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May 07, 2013, 07:38:59 am
was able to make it work, hmmmmm
anyway thanks for the helping:) I don't know what I did but it works now:)

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May 07, 2013, 07:40:11 am
Personally how I'd like to see this is to have groups listed underneath the object they're a part of , together with meshes in the outliner. When groups encompass multiple objects, list it in a seperate 'groups' list.
Here's a quick overpaint of a blender screenshot:

What would also be very cool is if a radial menu could automatically be populated with the first 8 groups you create, but that's a seperate issue.

I would also like it if it looks like this:)

  • Posts: 89
  • Edge
May 07, 2013, 08:55:25 am
I've been thinking about it more, and a few more things I think could be included in the scene explorer:
creased edges, listed underneath the object, grouped by crease value. Ofcourse these would only show up when there are creased edges.
Also underneath the object, the material (if adjusted from the default), clicking on which would take you to the material editor.
Also, saved custom pivots and orientations.

A Workplane item with all saved workplanes underneath it (much like creased edges, this would only show up once you've used the workplane. Say you've aligned it to a selection, that workplane will show up here underneath a main 'Workplane' item, giving you the option to save it for later.

I'd like to eliminate a lot of the loose windows I need right now, and the Scene Explorer seems like the perfect place for these things.

An option to automatically show and expand the selected object (and collapse the rest?) would complete it, in my opinion. This way you always see information relevant to the selected object. Given that Voidworld's a pure modeling app, scene management isn't as important as it might be elsewhere.

I'll make another mockup once I'm done thinking about this. Any feedback would be most welcome!

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May 07, 2013, 09:23:43 am
The problem is that an object can appear in more than one group.

  • Posts: 89
  • Edge
May 07, 2013, 09:32:04 am
Then, much as it will now, it will just show up multiple times right? I don't see that as a problem as such. But I see your point, and I suggest layers for this type of organisation, where objects can only be in one layer.
Then groups can be displayed seperately under a groups item, what do you think?

Thanks for the feedback, I hadn't considered this.

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  • Polygon
May 07, 2013, 11:11:56 am
I've been thinking about it more, and a few more things I think could be included in the scene explorer:
creased edges, .......................Also underneath the object, the material ...................Also, saved custom pivots and orientations.

A Workplane item with all saved workplanes underneath it
Although that may work when building a single object, or few objects in a scene. What about a scene with, for example, 100+ objects containing 150+ meshes, with 60+ materials and 20+ saved work_planes?
I would see that as a bit of a nightmare with all placed in one window.

Given that Voidworld's a pure modeling app, scene management isn't as important as it might be elsewhere.
Again, that would come down to what number of objects/materials etc are in the scene.

  • Posts: 89
  • Edge
May 07, 2013, 12:51:48 pm
That would look like this:


And then creases, materials and workplanes woulddn't be there by default, only if there'd be information to display there.

You'd collapse everything but what you've got selected in the viewport. My suggestion mentioned that I'd even want to this to (optionally) be done automatically.
You pretend as if the problem here isn't that you're working with 150+ meshes, but that we're also listing the workplanes and materials. That to me is crazy.
Without layers, 100+ objects will always be messy, you need some organisation. I just feel some organisation should be applied to the many seperate windows as well, but in the spirit of Voidworld's customisability I see that you may want things set up differently from me. I certainly don't want to constrain things to one certain way of working.

*(and on and on. layers should be used for organising, so it'd actually be clearer than it would currently be)