

Topic: Grid View  (Read 6333 times)

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August 08, 2014, 06:31:31 pm
Why wehn I start project I alwas have this view where grid is very near?

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August 08, 2014, 11:18:23 pm
The size of the floor grid depends on "Edit > Preference" > "Grid > Floor grid > Interval" and "View > Scene Scale"
Either reduce grid interval size, or reduce scene scale.

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August 09, 2014, 06:55:20 am
Thank you, I changed Fllor grid interval to 0.1 and scene scale to 0.1 only with this settings grid looks good, is it how it showld be?

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August 09, 2014, 07:16:53 am
0.1 scene scale is not recommended. You may have problems when dealing with tiny objects.

The default setting is scene scale 1, grid interval 0.25. This setting is close to other apps' settings so you may not need to scale your objects on import/export.

I would recommended scene scale 100, grid interval 25. If you have objects that vary greatly in sizes.


Once you change your scene scale, it is a good practice to this to check your grid settings is good or not. The overall grid size depends on grid interval and number of grids.

View > Reset All Views.

It will set the camera to a position base on the scene scale setting.


Scene scale may cause confusion and not easy to understand. There is precision issue in computing operations. A solution is needed for sensitivity as objects in the scene may vary greatly, also the density of the same object may vary a lot in different parts. When work with huge objects, use big scene scale. use small scene scale for tiny objects.

If your objects sizes don't vary much, the rate between the biggest object and the smallest object is 100 or something like that, or the density does not vary much, you can stick to just one scene scale when modeling.

Soft selection range is  scene scale dependent. Otherwise the selection changes will be too much for tiny objects, tool slow for huge objects, when adjusting soft selection value.

Some internal computing threshold values are scene scale dependent. for example, when you use a plane to cut an object, a threshold value is used to determine whether the plane has cut through a vertex by checking whether the vertex is closed enough to the plane. Similar things happen in other cut operations and Boolean operations.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2014, 07:54:47 am by IStonia »

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August 09, 2014, 08:11:33 am
Thanks a lot!

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August 09, 2014, 08:20:58 am
IStonia, could you pleas make command that will allow to select object withowt living component mode?
Now you have to make a lot of action, for example you work on one object and need to move to another one to modify it and you have to switch to object mode than select object, and then switch for example to vertex. 3 actions... It will be great to have some command thet will switch to object mode temporarely till you hold this shortcut and after releas it, it will back to mode that you have befor run this command. So you work on object run shortcut, change object releas shortcut and back to mode that you have before.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2014, 08:22:54 am by samardac »

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August 09, 2014, 02:24:05 pm
Hi IStonia,

Scene scale may cause confusion and not easy to understand.
We had this conversation a couple of years ago on forum, it did not go too well, as you would not explain your implementation or repercussions of incorrect use of scene scale as you stated it would be "Too confusing". So yes, it is confusing as you will not explain.
Even your reply here can be seen as confusing, as you state:-
0.1 scene scale is not recommended. You may have problems when dealing with tiny objects.
A scene scale of 0.1 is the smallest scene scale you can have. So should the user have a larger scene scale for tiny objects?
You then state:-
use small scene scale for tiny objects
But you do not say what a "small scene scale" is, only that a scale of 0.1 is not recommended for tiny objects

The default setting is scene scale 1, grid interval 0.25. This setting is close to other apps' settings so you may not need to scale your objects on import/export.
I do not see how Nvil internal scene scale or grid settings will make it "close to other apps` settings". Various other application uses different scales, but are usually based on what a unit is, be it mm / cm/ meters etc. Scene scale is irrelevant between applications when there are no specified unit sizes.

If we look at a new default scene. Scene scale = 1, grid size =0.25. If we then look at a default primitive box size when created, it is 1x1x1. If you have "Auto scene scale enabled" active, the scene scale after creating that default box will decrease to scene scale of 0.1. So the defaults are in conflict.

Another issue, is the way scene scale is auto calculated. It does not calculate on object size. It calculates based on a bounded box size that contains all objects in scene, but also calculated from world origin 0,0,0. So simply moving an object away from origin will increase scene scale (with "Auto scene scale enabled" active). You implemented "Auto scene scale" in an attempt to stop problems with precision errors(incorrect scene scale), yet a box of 1x1x1 can have a scene scale of 0.1, or if you move it 12 units from origin, it will have a scene scale of 10. So you can actually have a single box primitive of 1x1x1 in a scene, and have "Auto scene scale" change to max of 100,000 just by moving that box far enough away from world origin. I only see that as causing possible issues due to precision problems, not alleviating them.

There is precision issue in computing operations.
Precision issues are normally due to rounding errors. So I have to presume that you round [number of] decimal places based on scene scale? With default readout (manipulation window/manipulation input window) you show 4 places of decimal, is rounding made to that? In the "weld" tool, you show 6 places of decimal, is it rounded to that instead?

I would recommended scene scale 100, grid interval 25. If you have objects that vary greatly in sizes.
Grid intervals are usually based on user need for grid snapping, so do not see why you would recommend that.
With a "Scene scale" of 100, what is precision/rounding?

I of course would prefer not to get back in to a long drawn out thread where you do not explain anything again. So bottom line:-

What precision is made on each of the scene scales? (or asked slightly differently, how many decimal places are used for calculations for each of the scene scales?).