

Topic: Applink combines all objects in one..  (Read 5508 times)

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  • Posts: 1697
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September 05, 2013, 08:59:32 am
Why when I export model by Applink, I have only one object? I have a lot of objects in scene but it combines them in one when exporting...
I checked in file format option, regroup poligons by meshes, it does not help. How to fix it?

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September 06, 2013, 08:41:30 am
The app exports the selected objects to 3DC. How many objects did you have in the scene and how many are selected?

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  • Polygon
September 24, 2013, 01:41:33 pm
Hi IStonia,

I see you have not managed to find time to check that yet (Yes, I understand, you have work commitments, so no problem).

I thought I would check and add feedback.

I have currently got 3D-coat V4 installed. I create 2 simple box in Nvil.

Selected both, then sent across link (for UV mapping). [ I also noted there was a lockup in 3D-coat, and it took quite a number of mouse clicks to get the import to actually load. Not a good sign ]
In 3D-coat, those 2 Box are combined as one object:-

On checking the .obj file that is placed in the default link directory. I see that in fact Nvil is combining the 2 Box(objects) on export:-

Code: [Select]
     Vertices: 16
#        Faces: 24
#    Materials: 1

o Object_Combined

mtllib Object_Combined.mtl

# vertex list

v -15 -4.999999 4.999999
v -15 -4.999999 -4.999999
v -5.000001 -4.999999 4.999999
v -5.000001 -4.999999 -4.999999
v -15 4.999999 4.999999
v -15 4.999999 -4.999999
v -5.000001 4.999999 4.999999
v -5.000001 4.999999 -4.999999
v 5.000001 -4.999999 4.999999
v 5.000001 -4.999999 -4.999999
v 15 -4.999999 4.999999
v 15 -4.999999 -4.999999
v 5.000001 4.999999 4.999999
v 5.000001 4.999999 -4.999999
v 15 4.999999 4.999999
v 15 4.999999 -4.999999

# texture coords

vt 0 0
vt 1 0
vt 1 0
vt 1 0
vt 0 0
vt 1 1
vt 1 0
vt 0 0
vt 0 0
vt 0 0
vt 1 0
vt 0 1
vt 0 1
vt 1 1
vt 0 0
vt 1 1
vt 0 1
vt 0 1
vt 1 1
vt 0 1
vt 1 0
vt 0 1
vt 1 1
vt 1 1
vt 0 0
vt 1 0
vt 1 0
vt 1 0
vt 0 0
vt 1 1
vt 1 0
vt 0 0
vt 0 0
vt 0 0
vt 1 0
vt 0 1
vt 0 1
vt 1 1
vt 0 0
vt 1 1
vt 0 1
vt 0 1
vt 1 1
vt 0 1
vt 1 0
vt 0 1
vt 1 1
vt 1 1

# vertex normals

vn 0 0 1
vn -1 0 0
vn 0 -1 0
vn 0 0 -1
vn -1 0 0
vn 0 -1 0
vn 0 0 1
vn 1 0 0
vn 0 -1 0
vn 0 0 -1
vn 1 0 0
vn 0 -1 0
vn 0 0 1
vn -1 0 0
vn 0 1 0
vn 0 0 -1
vn -1 0 0
vn 0 1 0
vn 0 0 1
vn 0 1 0
vn 1 0 0
vn 0 0 -1
vn 1 0 0
vn 0 1 0
vn 0 0 1
vn -1 0 0
vn 0 -1 0
vn 0 0 -1
vn -1 0 0
vn 0 -1 0
vn 0 0 1
vn 1 0 0
vn 0 -1 0
vn 0 0 -1
vn 1 0 0
vn 0 -1 0
vn 0 0 1
vn -1 0 0
vn 0 1 0
vn 0 0 -1
vn -1 0 0
vn 0 1 0
vn 0 0 1
vn 0 1 0
vn 1 0 0
vn 0 0 -1
vn 1 0 0
vn 0 1 0

# face list

usemtl Mtrl_01
s 2
f 1/3/3 2/6/6 4/12/12 3/9/9
f 9/27/27 10/30/30 12/36/36 11/33/33
s 4
f 5/15/15 7/21/20 8/24/24 6/18/18
f 13/39/39 15/45/44 16/48/48 14/42/42
s 8
f 1/1/1 3/7/7 7/19/19 5/13/13
f 9/25/25 11/31/31 15/43/43 13/37/37
s 16
f 2/4/4 6/16/16 8/22/22 4/10/10
f 10/28/28 14/40/40 16/46/46 12/34/34
s 32
f 1/2/2 5/14/14 6/17/17 2/5/5
f 9/26/26 13/38/38 14/41/41 10/29/29
s 64
f 3/8/8 4/11/11 8/23/23 7/20/21
f 11/32/32 12/35/35 16/47/47 15/44/45

# End of file

I then exported the 2 box as an .obj file, with option to "Regroup Polygons by Meshes"

On importing that into 3D-coat, it shows as being 3 objects:-

I understand that different applications handle .obj files in slightly different ways. I have seen various problems with .obj files exported from Nvil when loading them into other applications, but put that down to the possible different implementations,  however, with you having a "3DC link" embedded in Nvil, I would expect there to be full compatibility with the .obj files between Nvil and 3D-coat.

