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General Discussion / Re: New user where to begin?
« Last post by IStonia on October 25, 2024, 03:03:24 am »
Hi, sorry for the lack of tutorials.

Have you watched this video?
Nvil Kick-Start

If you can drop me a simple model task, a blue print drawing or a picture, I can try to see if I can model it out with a video.
General Discussion / New user where to begin?
« Last post by Noobnvil on October 25, 2024, 02:02:00 am »
I known about this software a few years now. but I did not really need a polygon modeler until now.
for most things since I mostly do mechanical stuff I use Moi3d. I tried blender on and off but I use it only for rendering simple stuff. When I first started using Moi3d the first thing I did was buy a tutorial video which was money well spend. What boggles my mind is that I cannot find any tutorial for nvil no donut, apples, furniture, robots nothing everywhere I see it is draw mesh videos...and since this program is praised for speed and efficiency when modeling (which I am after) I decide to give it a try. (rocket3d did not have tutorials).

man atleast a tutorial how to model the Anvil that shows up when you start the program.

so my goal is to model car parts, masks and ornaments to be cnc machined and 3d printed.

So what would be the best way to begin with this software?

Thank you.
That's great, thank you again!  :)
News and Updates / Re: Nvil Update Oct 12 2024
« Last post by Mike_Hocksworth on October 14, 2024, 01:26:59 am »
I seen the latest video on youtube regarding chamfer shapes, this looks great.

Thank you for all of the bug fixes as well  :D
Similar to: I have found when using the Spline creation tool, I am unable to use the shortcut key to enable/disable snapping ( [CTRL] + X1 ).

Thank you for the previous fixes by the way.
News and Updates / Nvil Update Oct 12 2024
« Last post by IStonia on October 12, 2024, 11:16:40 am »
New Update

--Prerequisites : If the application failed to launch and SlimDX is not installed, download/install the CORRECT version(64 or 86(32-bit)) of end user runtime(for slimDX),
--For installing to run in Linux :

Nvil Kick-Start

Draw Mesh Kick-Start

Summary of changes:

* Custom shape chamfer feature is added to edge chamfer tool.
* Some bug fixings.

Much more space, thank you :D
Try this. I just increase the field spaces.
Hi there,
I am currently learning about the Spline modify tool and following along from this example:

I have noticed the textbox/dropdowns text is a bit small to display much of the selected splines, the radius, scale, modify etc.. do have more space and make it a bit easier to refer back to.
I have attached a screenshot for reference.

Also, is it possible to enable re-sizing of this window and making these textbox/dropdowns resize along with it?

Best regards  :)
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