General Discussion / Re: New user where to begin?
« Last post by IStonia on October 28, 2024, 02:43:40 pm »1.In Moi3d I have the views setup like Nvil...with spacebar...but additional to this if I am in ex. front
view.I hit cntrl+spacebar and I switch from front to back view. How can I setup this in Nvil.
Re: Try this new version, https://digitalfossils.com/Download/NVil-Oct-28-24.zip. Added a new tool, "Flip View Direction On Rotation". While in view rotation mode, tap the hotkey of this tool(default-key: Tab) to flip camera's position and facing direction.
2.How do I rotate in 3d view in a certain axis only?in 3d view? (can I rotate with numbers input?
Re: I need to see in a video how it works in Moi3d. There is a similar tool in Nvil, View > Rotate/Spin Tool On. This is an option tool to constraint in view direction on view rotation navigation.
3.How would I activate symmetry with shortcuts and disable them as well? instead of Edit > Options > Shortcut Symmetry Options > Symmetry Enabled
Re: Open this window, View > Windows > Tool Search Window. In default setting, it is placed on the right-hand side of the App. Search the tool use key word "symmetry". Locate and right click the tool to bring up the tool customizing tool whether you can set shortcut keys for the tool.
4.Where are the boolean tools? Create boolean stack (how to shortcut these)
Re: Boolean Stack, https://youtu.be/VFViUGK_aNc
You can find other boolean tools in "Tool Search window" with keyword "Boolean".
5.Selection ...how to select a complete plane regardless of how many segments it consist of? on click select the whole plane instead of the selection tools.
Re: Do you mean selecting all the polygons of the plane? You can double LMB click any of the polygon.
6.How to select thru ...kind of like blender that you need to activate wireframe or xray.
Re: Edit > Options > Ray-Cast Selection Enabled.
This tool, Marquee Selection(Through). The default mouse button is MMB.
This tool, MMB Select Through. Use MMB and the hotkey(Default: CapsLock) to perform through selection.
This tool, Edit > Options > Ignore Wire/Transparent Polygon On selection. It is an option tool for vertex/edge selection.
You can also have a look at the online help book for other selection tools. View > Help > Contents > Modeling > Selection Tools >
7.Loop cuts or insert loops so when you try to sub d to maintain a sharper edge?
Re: You can use the "Loop Cut/Slide Edges" tool, default shortcut key:S. Move cursor over and edge to highlight it then press and hold S key then click to create insert a loop, drag cursor to move the new loop if needed, release S key the mouse button to exit the tool.
You can also use this tool, Edge mode > Geometry > Loop Insert.
8.Can I change my mouse functions to mimic Moi3d or it will mess up other things? In Moi3d LMB to select,MMB to pan, RMB to rotate.
Re: You can customize the related View Zoom/Rotate/Pan tool to achieve that.
9.Attached a pic of a receptacle I am trying to model...what would be the process of making it thinner and or model this thing If I already have so many segments? In Moi3d I would just draw a line and cut it with boolean.
Re: Find this StreamlineBasic tool in the "Tool Search Window", Slice(Split). Click to activate. Drag out a line in viewport to cut through the object. Tap "Esc" key to exit the temporary tool. You need to fill the two resulted holes manually(Use the CapHole tool).
10. If I have a plane a box or whatever shape...can I cut thru with another shape? triangle, elipse, star or any shape.(Yes I am used to Moi3d cutting whatever I need lol)
Re: Not possible. Because there is no way to determine the resolution of the new geometries.
view.I hit cntrl+spacebar and I switch from front to back view. How can I setup this in Nvil.
Re: Try this new version, https://digitalfossils.com/Download/NVil-Oct-28-24.zip. Added a new tool, "Flip View Direction On Rotation". While in view rotation mode, tap the hotkey of this tool(default-key: Tab) to flip camera's position and facing direction.
2.How do I rotate in 3d view in a certain axis only?in 3d view? (can I rotate with numbers input?
Re: I need to see in a video how it works in Moi3d. There is a similar tool in Nvil, View > Rotate/Spin Tool On. This is an option tool to constraint in view direction on view rotation navigation.
3.How would I activate symmetry with shortcuts and disable them as well? instead of Edit > Options > Shortcut Symmetry Options > Symmetry Enabled
Re: Open this window, View > Windows > Tool Search Window. In default setting, it is placed on the right-hand side of the App. Search the tool use key word "symmetry". Locate and right click the tool to bring up the tool customizing tool whether you can set shortcut keys for the tool.
4.Where are the boolean tools? Create boolean stack (how to shortcut these)
Re: Boolean Stack, https://youtu.be/VFViUGK_aNc
You can find other boolean tools in "Tool Search window" with keyword "Boolean".
5.Selection ...how to select a complete plane regardless of how many segments it consist of? on click select the whole plane instead of the selection tools.
Re: Do you mean selecting all the polygons of the plane? You can double LMB click any of the polygon.
6.How to select thru ...kind of like blender that you need to activate wireframe or xray.
Re: Edit > Options > Ray-Cast Selection Enabled.
This tool, Marquee Selection(Through). The default mouse button is MMB.
This tool, MMB Select Through. Use MMB and the hotkey(Default: CapsLock) to perform through selection.
This tool, Edit > Options > Ignore Wire/Transparent Polygon On selection. It is an option tool for vertex/edge selection.
You can also have a look at the online help book for other selection tools. View > Help > Contents > Modeling > Selection Tools >
7.Loop cuts or insert loops so when you try to sub d to maintain a sharper edge?
Re: You can use the "Loop Cut/Slide Edges" tool, default shortcut key:S. Move cursor over and edge to highlight it then press and hold S key then click to create insert a loop, drag cursor to move the new loop if needed, release S key the mouse button to exit the tool.
You can also use this tool, Edge mode > Geometry > Loop Insert.
8.Can I change my mouse functions to mimic Moi3d or it will mess up other things? In Moi3d LMB to select,MMB to pan, RMB to rotate.
Re: You can customize the related View Zoom/Rotate/Pan tool to achieve that.
9.Attached a pic of a receptacle I am trying to model...what would be the process of making it thinner and or model this thing If I already have so many segments? In Moi3d I would just draw a line and cut it with boolean.
Re: Find this StreamlineBasic tool in the "Tool Search Window", Slice(Split). Click to activate. Drag out a line in viewport to cut through the object. Tap "Esc" key to exit the temporary tool. You need to fill the two resulted holes manually(Use the CapHole tool).
10. If I have a plane a box or whatever shape...can I cut thru with another shape? triangle, elipse, star or any shape.(Yes I am used to Moi3d cutting whatever I need lol)
Re: Not possible. Because there is no way to determine the resolution of the new geometries.