NVil Forum
General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Noobnvil on October 25, 2024, 02:02:00 am
I known about this software a few years now. but I did not really need a polygon modeler until now.
for most things since I mostly do mechanical stuff I use Moi3d. I tried blender on and off but I use it only for rendering simple stuff. When I first started using Moi3d the first thing I did was buy a tutorial video which was money well spend. What boggles my mind is that I cannot find any tutorial for nvil no donut, apples, furniture, robots nothing everywhere I see it is draw mesh videos...and since this program is praised for speed and efficiency when modeling (which I am after) I decide to give it a try. (rocket3d did not have tutorials).
man atleast a tutorial how to model the Anvil that shows up when you start the program.
so my goal is to model car parts, masks and ornaments to be cnc machined and 3d printed.
So what would be the best way to begin with this software?
Thank you.
Hi, sorry for the lack of tutorials.
Have you watched this video?
Nvil Kick-Start
If you can drop me a simple model task, a blue print drawing or a picture, I can try to see if I can model it out with a video.
I am going to look at the kick start video ...see if I am able to make something.
In addition to the quick-start, you could try this playlist on YouTube:
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbIKghziCiwZeaz7hJRTrqpxYRvRhRpRr&si=0zuHEOebx88uRlQq (https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbIKghziCiwZeaz7hJRTrqpxYRvRhRpRr&si=0zuHEOebx88uRlQq)
To be added to in the future I'm sure.
1.In Moi3d I have the views setup like Nvil...with spacebar...but additional to this if I am in ex. front
view.I hit cntrl+spacebar and I switch from front to back view. How can I setup this in Nvil.
Re: Try this new version, https://digitalfossils.com/Download/NVil-Oct-28-24.zip. Added a new tool, "Flip View Direction On Rotation". While in view rotation mode, tap the hotkey of this tool(default-key: Tab) to flip camera's position and facing direction.
2.How do I rotate in 3d view in a certain axis only?in 3d view? (can I rotate with numbers input?
Re: I need to see in a video how it works in Moi3d. There is a similar tool in Nvil, View > Rotate/Spin Tool On. This is an option tool to constraint in view direction on view rotation navigation.
3.How would I activate symmetry with shortcuts and disable them as well? instead of Edit > Options > Shortcut Symmetry Options > Symmetry Enabled
Re: Open this window, View > Windows > Tool Search Window. In default setting, it is placed on the right-hand side of the App. Search the tool use key word "symmetry". Locate and right click the tool to bring up the tool customizing tool whether you can set shortcut keys for the tool.
4.Where are the boolean tools? Create boolean stack (how to shortcut these)
Re: Boolean Stack, https://youtu.be/VFViUGK_aNc
You can find other boolean tools in "Tool Search window" with keyword "Boolean".
5.Selection ...how to select a complete plane regardless of how many segments it consist of? on click select the whole plane instead of the selection tools.
Re: Do you mean selecting all the polygons of the plane? You can double LMB click any of the polygon.
6.How to select thru ...kind of like blender that you need to activate wireframe or xray.
Re: Edit > Options > Ray-Cast Selection Enabled.
This tool, Marquee Selection(Through). The default mouse button is MMB.
This tool, MMB Select Through. Use MMB and the hotkey(Default: CapsLock) to perform through selection.
This tool, Edit > Options > Ignore Wire/Transparent Polygon On selection. It is an option tool for vertex/edge selection.
You can also have a look at the online help book for other selection tools. View > Help > Contents > Modeling > Selection Tools >
7.Loop cuts or insert loops so when you try to sub d to maintain a sharper edge?
Re: You can use the "Loop Cut/Slide Edges" tool, default shortcut key:S. Move cursor over and edge to highlight it then press and hold S key then click to create insert a loop, drag cursor to move the new loop if needed, release S key the mouse button to exit the tool.
You can also use this tool, Edge mode > Geometry > Loop Insert.
8.Can I change my mouse functions to mimic Moi3d or it will mess up other things? In Moi3d LMB to select,MMB to pan, RMB to rotate.
Re: You can customize the related View Zoom/Rotate/Pan tool to achieve that.
9.Attached a pic of a receptacle I am trying to model...what would be the process of making it thinner and or model this thing If I already have so many segments? In Moi3d I would just draw a line and cut it with boolean.
Re: Find this StreamlineBasic tool in the "Tool Search Window", Slice(Split). Click to activate. Drag out a line in viewport to cut through the object. Tap "Esc" key to exit the temporary tool. You need to fill the two resulted holes manually(Use the CapHole tool).
10. If I have a plane a box or whatever shape...can I cut thru with another shape? triangle, elipse, star or any shape.(Yes I am used to Moi3d cutting whatever I need lol)
Re: Not possible. Because there is no way to determine the resolution of the new geometries.
Thank you for the reply.
On my last question how would one achieve this in a Nvil...cutting thru shapes?
what would be the technique? I am new new to this :/
Let say make a round hole in a plane.
On the Kickstart video..that would be a perfect tutorial...if the truck that was modeled was finished.
with its fenders, bumper, wheels , lights etc.
something like this tutorial would be nice too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nI2gnDrLsLI
Thank you!
On my last question how would one achieve this in a Nvil...cutting thru shapes?
what would be the technique? I am new new to this :/
Let say make a round hole in a plane.
1. Use the "Spline" tool to create the spline forming the shape.
2. Use the "Spline_Extrude" tool to extrude a mesh object from the spline.
3. Use boolean tool to cut out the hole with the created mesh.
In addition to the quick-start, you could try this playlist on YouTube:
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbIKghziCiwZeaz7hJRTrqpxYRvRhRpRr&si=0zuHEOebx88uRlQq (https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbIKghziCiwZeaz7hJRTrqpxYRvRhRpRr&si=0zuHEOebx88uRlQq)
To be added to in the future I'm sure.
That is very encouraging! Thank you so much!
You are most welcome, I am currently working on my take of the selection tools.
Hoping to get it done by the end of the week.
Can't wait to see it.
Selections video is done and has been added to the playlist linked previously.
Hopefully it helps :)
Ok I went back and forward with the symmetry and then back to the tutorial.
and saw ctrl+q...then it worked...but to desactivate?
and how to change the symmetry axis x, y or z with a shortcut?
I am going to spend some time Nvil this weekend
There is a few thing id like to model...but need to get used to Nvil first.
I am getting something done...baby steps...more than I ever could in blender lol
This is what Id like to model.
Any pointers?...body only https://wetronic.nl/tamiya-58742-hornet-evo-2wd-buggy_nl
Altough something like this...the full car would be a great tutorial.
also on the loop cut how to accomplish like the red lines instead of the blue ones?
on the second pic what tool to be used to cut the red lines?
after being cut can it be moved before extruding?
on the third pic ...how would I achieve a flat bottom
I guess If I know these I could get going
I am liking this software...if I could setup to behave like Moi3d would be great.
Selections video is done and has been added to the playlist linked previously.
Hopefully it helps :)
awesome! :)
I created a new thread for this in the Tutorial section.
Ok I went back and forward with the symmetry and then back to the tutorial.
and saw ctrl+q...then it worked...but to desactivate?
and how to change the symmetry axis x, y or z with a shortcut?
I am going to spend some time Nvil this weekend
There is a few thing id like to model...but need to get used to Nvil first.
I am getting something done...baby steps...more than I ever could in blender lol
This is what Id like to model.
Any pointers?...body only https://wetronic.nl/tamiya-58742-hornet-evo-2wd-buggy_nl
Altough something like this...the full car would be a great tutorial.
also on the loop cut how to accomplish like the red lines instead of the blue ones?
on the second pic what tool to be used to cut the red lines?
after being cut can it be moved before extruding?
on the third pic ...how would I achieve a flat bottom
I guess If I know these I could get going
I am liking this software...if I could setup to behave like Moi3d would be great.
There is no shortcut key in default settings for symmetry axis. You can set it up. Find this tool in Tool Search Window, Set Symmetry Axis(X). Right click the tool then choose Customize.
Can you send me the scene file of the models in the pics? I'll show you in a video.
I managed to do cuts to do what I want.
but there is some info missing I could not find
What is the difference between contextual loop vs universal loop
I am trying to go thru all the tools to see what they do...but some info I could not find.
why there is letter "S" next to the cursor.?
attached something I am playing with a kind of F1 shell.
How would I make the glass indicated by the red line.
Is it possible to make the corner sharp? if yes how? Ok I found it with crease sub d
How would I make a wheel well where the red circle is located.
How would I fix the bottom part? wf2.jpg
Can you freeze a selection....let say you push pull all the polygon around it but it will not move with them?
I am sure accomplished more than the years I had blender installed lol.
Search "Context" and "Universal" in Tool Search window and you will find the "Context Loop", " Universal Loop" selection tools and the related tool scription.
The "s" under cursor indicates Snapping is enabled.
You can freeze selected vertices, vertex mode > View > Hide.
Nice! got the info in the tool search...this will help allot as I am going thru the functions.
Last questions for this week....what is the process to make, build the "glass" (got it done with draw mesh > patch).
and the bottom (patched looks messed up but I dont know...new to this kind of modeling) and the circle?
How to move a point and all the others will follow with (red line) the one at the end (in yellow remains at its location)?
I tried several ways but I need that one point stays as a pivot point...
You can use the "Subobject Transform Slide" tool, https://youtu.be/oPdWZ4IrkuE.
For the wheel well, use the Cut tool to cut out a circle. Remove the geometries inside the circle. Then use edge edge extrude tool to extrude out the well. Or you can create a cylinder and use the boolean tool.
You can build the bottom part mesh manually.
Hello back again at it.
I tried a few things and got stuck and do not know how to fix.
1.When I do the boolean it does cut it but always the faces remain and I have to remove them manually.(boolstack.jpg) is there a way to cut and remove everything?
2. You say cut with circle the only thing I got close to a circle is the N-polygon...How to cut with circle?
3.Is there an offset tool...let say I cut something I offset the lines or to add other lines (offset.jpg)
4.Can the push-pull tool be used without trying to snap...I could not figure out this...it always seem to snap to a certain number/distance.
5.Attached boomstuck.jpg something I am trying to do here...I cut it remove the side now they are open and I cannot fix it. if the lines where I cut are blue I can use drawmesh to create a blue plane which is suppose to close it but for some reason it did work(seemed to work before). after snapping it just do nothing and disappear.
If the lines are white and I click it and I try the same draw mesh it move the lines and create a mess.
Bridge cap the solution?
6. How to create a "fillet" at the corner indicated by red arrow?
7.How would you draw lines to also patch it manually?
from the draw mesh I used the lines and convert lines to mesh to get the shape started (like the tutorial)...but got stuck with the questions above.
8.Line colors remain to remind you what was done or can these be changed?
9.How do I select line if I did a chamfer instead of selecting the small pieces?(chamfer slection.jpg)
As I am moving along trying to understand more.
If you have multiple points selected can you align then instead of doing one by one?
1. Which Boolean type did you used? A-B?
2. You can create an n-polygon and put it behind. Use it as a visual reference shape for cutting out a similar shape on the mesh you work on.
3. You can use this tool, Create Offset Spline.
4. Once the extrusion is created, Tap "Alt+Space".
5. It could be a bug, but I couldn't recreate it. Can you send me the scene file?
6. What is the 'fillet' shape you want to get?
7/8/9. Can't get what you mean. Can you explain in a different way?
As I am moving along trying to understand more.
If you have multiple points selected can you align then instead of doing one by one?
You can use the scale manipulator or one of these tools, Align_X, Aling_Y, Align_Z.
5.attached lines.jpg what I thought the process was but I think I am mistaken
6.attached fillet.jpg the fillet I am trying to recreate in Nvil
9.attached select.jpg ....trying to select the little edges in one go
attached the Nvil scene as well.
Thank you!
Attached my Nvil scene as well.
How does the create offset spline tool works?
I searched the help and forum :/
create offset cannot be activated in current mode.
I was watching the circularize video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndU4ph6uv50
and had to slow it down quite a bit to see what is happening...the letter A in the corner
would be a sample of the streamline tool? how do I setup like that?
I did see a video on how to setup button menu.
another question attach pic...I cannot understand for some reason the edge line splits?
I could not figure out how to join them ..so I switch to point, delete the points so it is one edge again...is this the way...but why is it happening?
Is there a way to see the points in the other views as well?
allot of info to take in...
* The spline offset tool only works in object mode.
* The streamline Cut tool(default key: C) will perform context cut on any presenting vertex/edge/polygon selection when possible on activating event. So be careful when you activate this tool.
* Top-left corner of viewport, click the view type label(Custom/Left/Back/...) to bring up the Viewport context menu. check the "Show Vertices" option.
Is there any example how the spline offset tool works?
Attached pic,,,when I delete something how can I make the remaining blue line behave or vonvert it back to normal edges? when I move the blue lines it is not joined ..to the other edges.
Is there any example how the spline offset tool works?
Create Offset Spline
Attached pic,,,when I delete something how can I make the remaining blue line behave or vonvert it back to normal edges? when I move the blue lines it is not joined ..to the other edges.
Not sure what's your intention.
Check this video. It shows some simple tools for geometry create/edit. You can use those tools to create a rough geometry of your intended result so we can understand what you were trying to do.
Geometry Elementary Tools
Thank you for the videos
exactly what I needed.
few more things...before practice some more this week...
1.How would I recall a fuction that I previously used? let say I used the cut function then hit escape to get out but I need to use it again? In Moi you hit the right mouse button it will recall the last used command.
2.If I rotate a complete face of an item...and then move a few points/edges.
How do I align them all back to match the angled face?
1. Edit > Repeat Last Command. Not every command is repeatable. The repeatable last command name is display at bottom-left of the viewport.
2. Geometry Aligning Trick, https://youtu.be/9BPBI3XD2KU
Slowly getting the hang of this...
Question on Nvil steam site the second video https://store.steampowered.com/app/592350/Nvil/
Are there any instructions (probably the streamline tools) to do most thing with mouse only exactly like the one in the video?
What do you mean by saying "with mouse only" ? Do you mean without using the keyboard?
Yes ...when I saw the Nvil video on steam
It stated mouse only...modeling pretty fast... nice stuff.
Tnx for the video's!
The title is a bit misleading. To activate a tool, you need to click a button/menu or press down a hotkey.
Hotkey was used in the video. Hotkey was not displayed out in the video.
2 modeling question...I am practicing trying to model the attached gravity racer.
1.What would be the best method to model from an exact shape from an dxf 2d shape? attached.
...how would one, if possible extrude that imported shape? if not just try to shape the primitives as closely as possible?
2.Is there a fast way to increase the polygons of a model?
Thank you!
1. Can you send me the dxf file?
2. See if these two tools can help.
A. Polygon modo > Geometry > Subdivision.
B. Object mode > Geometry > Common Command n Tools > Increase Mesh Density. At 0:30, https://youtu.be/kSldy5gAJmY
Maybe I did not explain it well
attached what I want to do..if even possible...
increase the loop cuts(in blender you can scroll the mouse to increase the amount of loop cut)
...create the basic shape with low counts then increase the cuts/faces count...so I can add better details
What are the options?not triangulated
Attached dxf.
1. 1). Import the spline from the dxf file.
2). Make sure the spline is selected.
3). Go to vertex mode and select all the vertices except those corner ones. In Visual Tools window, uncheck the "Line List" box to change the spline type. Then click "Naturalize Selected Vertices" button.
4). In Tool Search window, search this tool, Spline_Extrude_AxisDir. Click that tool to activate a temporally streamline tool.
5). In viewport, click and hold LMB then drag vertically the extrude out a mesh object from the spline.
6). While still keep LMB pressed, [Scroll or Alt+Drag]/[Space+Scroll or Space+Alt+Drag] to set segments.
7). Release LMB to finish the operation.
8). Tap Esc to exit the tool.
2. There are quite a few loop generating tools. You can find them by searching in Tool Search window with key word "Loop".
Check this video at 0:33 & 2:16, https://youtu.be/79Va6qBI9OM.
A simple example with the default setting. 1). Move cursor overt highlight an edge.
2). Press and hold "S" to activate the "Loop Cut/Slid" tool.
3). Click and hold LMB to cut out a loop.
4). While still keep LMB pressed, [Scroll or Alt+Drag] to increase/decrease number of cut out loops.
5). Release S key and LMB to finish.
One more question to get me going and practicing this week
The colpase sub D button seems to devide the segments...
but what is the real purpose for the colpase sub d button?
I did try to find it the help file but could not find it...and does it make sense to have a button to undo or revert? I did manage to undo via the tool search.
I do not know if this is the correct way...but I am playing around try to make different shapes to get comfortable with this..
Purpose 1: It is subdivision work flow. Working with much less geometries to build a model. Then collapse it at a certain level of subdivision to get the final model.
Purpose 2: Collapse a model in subdivision to get a particular shape for further modeling process. For example, Create a perfect cub. Create a subdivision vision(Geometry > Subdivision > Level 3. Now you have a special sphere which you can use as a primitive to create something.
You can use the "Reverse Subd" tool to get back to the original model from a collapsed model. But it is impossible to get back to extract shape of the original model.
Hello and happy new year
I am still going at it and still looking at the videos btw nice video on the tapered bolt.
I am trying to figure out how to match a face angle but not aligning it...but could not figure it out.
attached what I am trying to accomplish tnx!
one way is to use Guide lines.
Select the 2 highlighted edges and add guide lines ( Geometry -> Create Guide Line Objects )
The guide line on the angle face, select it, and move it to the top vertex of the end face.
Select the bottom edge(s) of that end face, and move along the axis to snap point of guide lines.
Thank you for those example...
I am used to cad....
Is there a way to know the angle of the polygon and then rotate another one to a certain degree to match.
When I rotate you can see the degree but where can I input the exact number that I want?
I found it in the manipulation tab...but after I set it to rotate a certain degree and press enter
it will rotate it but then the number will become zero...so if I come back to it how would I know at what angle it is?
Angle measuring feature is added in the new version.
Nice...I am going to study the new video's this week.
One thing If it makes sense it is...in my head it does.
When you select a polygon and move it all the info shows in the manipulator in the bottom screen (and you can move it with numbers)
except the angle.it would be nice and maybe even faster to change the angle there as well.
so I am guessing the polygon is at 0 degrees parallel to the grid, I select it, in the manipulator enter 22 degrees and it will rotate to that number.
When you select a polygon and move it all the info shows in the manipulator in the bottom screen (and you can move it with numbers)
except the angle.
Change the manipulator orientation to "selection"
When you have the Rotation manipulator visible, you can see the rotation angle values displayed in the Manipulation window. But it is three values linked to x/y/z axis. That can be very confusing when you try to make your input.
A better way is to use the inputting-during-operation feature. @ 0:35
I saw the guideine video several times and it works great....
but I cannot select the guideline to move it and remove it..what I am doing wrong? does not turn red and let me select it.
Sounds like you have added "Object Guidlines" those you cannot select/move, they move with the object they are created on. To remove them, in object mode, with the object selected (the object with object guidlines) -> "Geometry -> Common commands n tools -> Guide lines -> Delete"
The other type of guide lines are "Guide line Objects" which when create are an actual separate object which can be selected.
Thanks...I was already 45 min on it to see what I am doing wrong.
Another question here.
can you put a guideline between to points to match the remaining points?
Using keyword "guide" you can find a streamline basic tool, Create Guide Line Object, in Tool Search window. You can use it to create a guide line object by clicking two snapping points. Just make sure snapping option is enabled.
Thanks...I was already 45 min on it to see what I am doing wrong.
Another question here.
can you put a guideline between to points to match the remaining points?
Those videos are very helpful.
I am finally getting something going and modeling in Nvil feels quite relaxing.
Still some questions on Nvil and some of my modeling technique.
- How can one setup a shortcut to cycle thru the views and reset view?
for instance if you are in the 3d view at full screen you press a button and you can cycle thru left, right, top etc and reset the view as well with another shortcut button
- Is there a way to shell a model or set a thickness? for instance bmodelq4.JPG if you select all the outside polygons and add a certain thickness to it...this could be usefull to 3d print the model.
-On bmodelq2.JPG can you set guidelines with a certain distance or set as parallel to another guideline?
-On bmodelq3.JPG what is the easiest way to make 2 polygons parallel?
-On bmodelq1.JPG How would one fix the wing that going to a sharp point? cut a line into it and extrude down?
-On the model bmodelq4.JPG if I want to make it let say 3d print or Cnc cut which is my end goal...
What are your thoughts on my modeling technique and what should be improved?
I was thinking of leaving it without chamfer any thing, export it and maybe try something like Rhino shrinkwrap? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETeytCD7HTA
I tried to subD it but it became a mess so I am doing something wrong there? what should I need to do If I want to subD that model which has allot of flat faces and sharp corners?
On my other model modelq1.jpg
How would one create a sharp round shape and flat?
I tried circularize but I did not work well ...maybe I need to add more cuts? and the use the align tools?
Thanks for all the help!
Attached the model itself.
- How can one setup a shortcut to cycle thru the views and reset view?
for instance if you are in the 3d view at full screen you press a button and you can cycle thru left, right, top etc and reset the view as well with another shortcut button
You can set up a user tool window and add user tool buttons to it and assign tools to the buttons.
But try this new version, https://digitalfossils.com/Download/NVil-Feb-06-25.zip. A viewport button is added. At the bottom of the viewport. LMB: CycleViews, MMB: Best View, RMB: ResetView.
- Is there a way to shell a model or set a thickness? for instance bmodelq4.JPG if you select all the outside polygons and add a certain thickness to it...this could be usefull to 3d print the model.
A new option is added to the shell tool. Geometry > Common Command n Tools > Shell > Allow closed mesh.
-On bmodelq2.JPG can you set guidelines with a certain distance or set as parallel to another guideline?
You can duplicate the guide line then move it by a certain distance in a direction.
-On bmodelq3.JPG what is the easiest way to make 2 polygons parallel?
Don't understand.
-On bmodelq1.JPG How would one fix the wing that going to a sharp point? cut a line into it and extrude down?
Don't understand.
-On the model bmodelq4.JPG if I want to make it let say 3d print or Cnc cut which is my end goal...
What are your thoughts on my modeling technique and what should be improved?
I was thinking of leaving it without chamfer any thing, export it and maybe try something like Rhino shrinkwrap? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETeytCD7HTA
I tried to subD it but it became a mess so I am doing something wrong there? what should I need to do If I want to subD that model which has allot of flat faces and sharp corners?
On my other model modelq1.jpg
How would one create a sharp round shape and flat?
I tried circularize but I did not work well ...maybe I need to add more cuts? and the use the align tools?
When using subD, you can either add supporting loops or use subd edge creasing to hold the shape.
"You can set up a user tool window and add user tool buttons to it and assign tools to the buttons.
But try this new version, https://digitalfossils.com/Download/NVil-Feb-06-25.zip. A viewport button is added. At the bottom of the viewport. LMB: CycleViews, MMB: Best View, RMB: ResetView."
Very nice addition works really well.
"-On bmodelq3.JPG what is the easiest way to make 2 polygons parallel?"
With this I mean something like match face...if I have 2 polygons in my drawing...regardless were it is.
I select a polygon which should be the base one , select another polygon maybe a button, shortcut or something and this will make the 2nd selected polygon to match the base one angles, (like align face)(maybe even an option to convert it to a similar polygon as well.
This is just a thought..if it makes sense that is....
I select a polygon which should be the base one , select another polygon maybe a button, shortcut or something and this will make the 2nd selected polygon to match the base one angles,
You can use the transform list:- Help -> Contents -> Modeling -> Object Manipulation.
I select a polygon which should be the base one , select another polygon maybe a button, shortcut or something and this will make the 2nd selected polygon to match the base one angles,
You can use the transform list:- Help -> Contents -> Modeling -> Object Manipulation.
It is faster by using the "Rotation Snap Selection" streamline tool.
1. Select a polygon.
2. Make sure "Selection" option is chosen for both manipulator's location and orientation.
3. Enable polygon snapping option.
4. Activate the "Rotation Snap Selection" tool.
5. MMB click the target polygon.
It is faster by using the "Rotation Snap Selection" streamline tool.
1. Select a polygon.
2. Make sure "Selection" option is chosen for both manipulator's location and orientation.
3. Enable polygon snapping option.
4. Activate the "Rotation Snap Selection" tool.
5. MMB click the target polygon.
It depends on the polygon winding order. Although the Y will be to polygon normal, its orientation around the Y (X/Z direction) can give incorrect results (over_lapping polygons).
I use Transform list so to have ref Y rotation shown on target poly, so then will rewind poly (or set manipulator) on poly to be aligned.
Istonia's method works quite well
Is there a button for the rotation snap selection?
I used it from the tool search...
going to try Steve method next.
Is there a button for the rotation snap selection?
The tool is set by default. You just need to add a shortcut/hotkey.
still at it here.
Is there a way that when you move e section that the remaining section will behave like the one indicated with the arrow? move.jpg
the get the result move2.jpg?
2 ways I did this is
- move the rotation tool to the edge rotate rotate the whole section then rotate the other half the same way.
-move the selection set a guide line and the match the remaining pieces to the guideline.
is there a faster way to do it?
One way is to select the 4 short edge loops (see pic):-
Geometry -> Straighten edges
Geometry -> Common Commands n Tools -> Space Loops
nice and fast.
why use the Geometry -> Common Commands n Tools -> Space Loops???
since the straighten edges already accomplish it?
Is there something like that like select faces and straighten as well?
also how would I neatly align the red lines to the green above
"Space Loops" does not straighten, it evenly spaces the edge loops.
For faces, use flatten. There was a "flatten to 3 points" added (streamline basic tool) which is probably the quickest.
(see pic) 1. create guide line object on top edge
2. move guide line to bottom left vertex
3. create guide line on right hand edge
4. move bottom right vertex up to guide line intersection
you then select bottom 3 edges and "straighten edges"
select those 9 polygon faces and "Space Loop"
still at it here.
Is there a way that when you move e section that the remaining section will behave like the one indicated with the arrow? move.jpg
the get the result move2.jpg?
2 ways I did this is
- move the rotation tool to the edge rotate rotate the whole section then rotate the other half the same way.
-move the selection set a guide line and the match the remaining pieces to the guideline.
is there a faster way to do it?
Looks like you had a similar question before.
Thank you for the videos
exactly what I needed.
few more things...before practice some more this week...
1.How would I recall a fuction that I previously used? let say I used the cut function then hit escape to get out but I need to use it again? In Moi you hit the right mouse button it will recall the last used command.
2.If I rotate a complete face of an item...and then move a few points/edges.
How do I align them all back to match the angled face?
1. Edit > Repeat Last Command. Not every command is repeatable. The repeatable last command name is display at bottom-left of the viewport.
2. Geometry Aligning Trick, https://youtu.be/9BPBI3XD2KU
nice and fast.
why use the Geometry -> Common Commands n Tools -> Space Loops???
since the straighten edges already accomplish it?
Is there something like that like select faces and straighten as well?
also how would I neatly align the red lines to the green above
Try this,
Hello the edge align is a good addition.
On the rotation snap it works but when I try it on my model it seems to turn it?rotationmiss.jpg
how would you match the red selection to the guidelines?
I found flatten option (so I would flatten the grey and red part) and then rotate it to the desired angle or .....extrude, cut the rebuild?
are these the best way?flat.jpg
and the final.jpg is what I was trying to model all along...
my question if you look at how I did this how can it be done better?faster or more efficiently?
on the 2 arcs below is there a better way of doing it? boolean maybe?
my initial thought was to export it and then boolean the arcs in Moi3d.
The only thing I still would like to do is the add a few buttons to the ui for the guidelines and align options something I use almost dialy when using Vcarve and Moi3d.
I now can move on to my next model.
If you can make some short videos that would help us to understand what you are trying to do.
It is just too hard to get what you mean by these pictures.
You can create your user buttons for your tools and options. It is not practical for the program to provide all the buttons you need. If you are not sure how to do it, have a look at this video at 12:33, https://youtu.be/mVRehG-kOQQ
I need to figure out how to screen capture.
On the button question I was thinking of only 4 buttons for the items i use more often like the edge align,guideline, straighten etc.
I am getting the hang of this but there are still things I could not figure out I have tried for 3 hours on this already trying to fix but I cant....
- On the loopcut.jpg let say I have added 3 loopcuts how would I add an additional loopcut with the same distance as the previous 3 ones...so the blue distance should match the distance of the green ones.
-On the wheelwellhow.jpg after boolean a cilinder in the box how would I add a kind of offset so I can extrude it like the one I did in Moi3d.
-On the subdmess.jpg when I subd my model I does make a mess where I performed a boolean what is the way of avoiding this of fixing it.
Hopefully this would be my last question for this month lol so I can move on and practice some more....getting there. Tnx!
On the rotation snap it works but when I try it on my model it seems to turn it?
As I put forward earlier, using rotation snap on polygons can cause issue due to orientation of manipulator.
A simple example:-
pic_01. rotation snap polygon on right to polygon on left.
pic_02. result, not as wanted.
pic_03. shows manipulator orientation (on polygon to be target), with X facing -Z and Z facing to +Y
pic_04. shows manipulator orientation (on polygon to be set), with X facing +Y and Z facing +Z
So when snap rotation is used, the polygon will rotate 90deg anti-clockwise giving the result shown in pic_2
You have to create your own buttons.
Create Edge Loops With Specified Distance
Fixings After Boolean Operation 1
Fixings After Boolean Operation 2
Thanks Steve and Istonia.
I would have not figured those thing out by myself.
Everyday I try to model a few small things to get better.
Question here I searched for an array tool to circular array an item around a cylinder...I searched the help file and the forum and nothing.....Is the array tool in Nvil called the pose tool?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFIJVWbRscQ
What can you find if you use "circle" as key word in "Tool Search Window"?
Question here I searched for an array tool to circular array an item around a cylinder...I searched the help file and the forum and nothing.....
Geometry -> Create -> Instance ->Create Instance (Circle)
Geometry -> Create -> Instance ->Create Instance (Advanced)
You could also create a circle spline and use:-
Geometry -> Create -> Instance ->Create Instance (Spline or Advanced)
Geometry -> Spline Commands n Tools -> Snap (to see that command, you will need to have a spline selected and in vertex selection mode)
I tried the fist one it worked not exactly as expected the advanced I could not even get it to work.
it kind when you design a wheel and you want to place the lugnuts set where you want, click in the center it will array around the selected center. In Moi3d this is a 3 second deal. attached what I am referring to.
I am sure it works but I cannot figure it out.
Using your example:-
pic_01 Set sphere to position on cylinder
pic_02 Using "set manipulator" drag manipulator along X to snap to center of cylinder
pic_03 Call Instance advanced, select "radial" change amount of instances, set to "Y" axis.
I need to get used to this...since in Nvil it does not matter in which view you are still will behave the same...In Moi3d if you are in a front view it arrays from the front if your are top view it arrays from top...in 3d it will always use your center as z axis to array around.
the reason it is so quick on that feature.
Thank you! back to some more practicing.
The array orientation is not bound to view in Nvil, it is bound to manipulator position/orientation.
A quick example using "Instance(circle)"
pic_01 With object to array selected, call Instance(circle). Set amount and radius.
pic_02 in mode "set circle space", click on a snapping point (it works like snap rotation). I have rmb clicked on angle face
Hello got a bit stuck again.
I am trying to model a hole from an outlet plate. outletsubd.jpg
so I select the faces > circulize > extrude down.
I can do a loopcut inside...but how do I do a loopcut outside? or edge
the red circle needs to be a loopcut or edge so I can try to maintain a sharp edge when subd the model.
hopefully not drawing edges one by one.
I tried extrude the edge but it wont go to the outside.
If I select the faces > circulize > inset but outside then I have some edges.
but I would like to know how to add it...so I can fix things when they go wrong lol.
On the square Items I would like to have a nice square hole with some sharp edges but could not accomplish this...sqsubd.jpg / sqsubd.jpg
You can use this tool, Help > Contents > Modeling > Edge Section > Loop Insert.
I tried the loop insert but it does not go all the way around only a quarter of the circle so I had to do it 4 times with allot of loops to get it right...
I was playing with the extrude the edge and it seems to work...unless there is a better way of doing it.
On the square hole I had to add some horizontal cut loops and it look good.
There is a "Selection only" option in the "Loop Insert" tool. So, you can create the loop across the selected edges.
I could not make it work..
but with the loop insert added as closely to the edge as possible it seems to look good.
Right now I am modeling an f1 body but for some reason the bg image does not show in the 3d view.
and yes I clicked the BG image button...it does show in all other views.
Loop Cut Through Selected Edges
You can create 3d image plane. Modeling A Low Poly Car
You can also use this tool.
Edge-Loop Split-Slide
Got the loop to work...strange because I tried it multiple times...
looking at your video I did not know you can select the edges that fast ...here I was selecting one by one :/
On the image I load them up in the views and it does not show up in the 3d view.
unless I am doing it wrong.
I am trying to model a hole from an outlet plate.
so I select the faces > circulize > extrude down.
That results in poor poly_flow around the hole, and can cause issue later.
01. Select the faces.
02. Inset
03. Circularize
04. Extrude
(cont next post:-)
05. Inset
06. Shrink Selection. Scale down (just for cleanup)
07. Select edge_loops around top/bottom of hole extrusion. Edge_chamfer_refine )adds support edges)
08. Add edge loops around hole (if required)
On the image I load them up in the views and it does not show up in the 3d view.
unless I am doing it wrong.
Don't use back ground images. They can't be displayed in the way you want in 3d view.
Have you watch this? Modeling A Low Poly Car
Tnx for the explanations.
Yes I have watched the video several times and now that song wont leave my head lol.
Honestly I do not understand.
If I set the image in the 3d view it just show the image and is unaffected by rotating the 3d view.
In Moi3d you set the images in the other views and it shows in the 3d view.
I guess Nvil works different here?
In Moi3d you set the images in the other views and it shows in the 3d view.
It is a long time since I used Moi, but I believe Moi did not use back_ground image, it used image planes.
In Nvil, use the plane tool with option "create with image"
Thank you!