NVil Forum
General Category => Feature Requests => Topic started by: Mike_Hocksworth on May 03, 2024, 04:48:39 am
Currently it seems the default behaviour when selecting from a menu with multiple checkboxes/options that can be toggled, is to have the menu close up after selecting one.
For example:
- View -> Windows -> User Tools Window -> User Tools 1 ... 30
It would be great if on sub-menu's like these (not saying all sub-menu's), the menu could stay open so it would be possible to tick on/enable whatever user menu's are desired, then close after all that are wanted are enabled/disabled.
An alternative might be to use the margin on the left where the checkbox appears to differentiate between a multi-enable/disable and a single enable/disable. Single could be chosen by clicking on the textual portion (e.g. User Tools 1).
The View -> Windows -> Window List might even be able to be removed as the functionality would be provided by the multi-enable/disable.
If you need more input from my end, please let me know, happy to provide.
Try this
You can use this option to revert it back, Edit > Preference Options1 > GUI > Replace main menu with menu strip.
I should have mentioned I have the Steam version.
Is it okay to try this file with the Steam version or do I need a different one?
You can extract the file and try it to see if it works. The scene files save from it can be opened by steam version.
Sorry, I couldn't get it to run/start (I did get an unsigned warning from Windows Defender though).
I tried just extracting it and running it.
I tried backing up my steamapps/common/NVIL and pasting the files in there and couldn't get it to run either.
Did you receive any messages from windows of why it failed to run?
Only first time around saying it was unsigned and if I wanted to run anyway, I chose the option to say just run it.
I'm on Windows 11 Pro if it helps.
EDIT: I reverted back to the original steam version files for now and it runs fine as before I copied the files.
Here is the steam version. You copy it to your steam folder.
Also, try download and install this and see if it works.
The message regarding unrecognized app appeared on this one, I believe it was the same message as last one.
Clicking Run anyway, it doesn't run.
I ran the Slim DX 64 Bit installer, and NVIL Steam version now starts up :)
Okay, this is kind of working on some areas but not others.
For instance I quickly tried View -> AO Enabled and View -> Fog Enabled and they do keep the menu open while checking them on and off.
I tried the View -> Windows -> User Tools Windows -> User Tools 1 and the menu closes off after the first click.
I noticed some menu lines are dark grey and they appear (maybe not sure) to have the stay open behavior enabled, while the light gray closes up after clicking.
I noticed that the menu now seems to sit on-top of the menu bar, depending on how far up you click it obstructs the top menu text.
Try this
You are right, the greyed items have the stay open behavior as when you click on them you can see the check changes.
For the other items, you can keep them open on click by press down Ctrl key before clicking.
This is great, much easier to flick on/off different options.
Just a note, the menu bar and toolbars seemed to have changed around.
Honestly, I think I prefer it this way (i.e. keep it). Unless others take issue with it I guess.
Great work! :)