

Topic: grid size  (Read 37151 times)

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December 07, 2012, 06:22:07 pm
Are you sure?
Yes. I have C4d R13 installed
And why not simply make this setting to a standard setup so that nobody has to setup it by himself?
Not everyone builds objects to 1 unit size, nor probably import 1 unit sized blocks. They will, like me, probably create the scene scale/grid settings on a per model basis as needed.

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    • Reiner`s Tilesets
December 07, 2012, 06:25:30 pm
It`s nevertheless good to have a standard setup :)
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December 07, 2012, 06:58:40 pm
A blender cube imports with the size of 2x2x2 in trueSpace

I have just been looking a TS 7.6
By default: The default .obj importer and the LUUV importer both import (into a new default scene) a default blender cube of 2x2x2 at 8x8x8. So you must of changed the default settings.

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December 07, 2012, 07:01:06 pm
It`s nevertheless good to have a standard setup :)
There is already a standard setup for NVIL, it is just that you do not like it.

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    • Reiner`s Tilesets
December 07, 2012, 07:29:31 pm
Because it could be better. And iStonia asked for a possible standard setup :)
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December 07, 2012, 09:59:00 pm
Because it could be better.
All you have put forward up to now, is to change default so it would be better for importing a 1 or 2 units sized cube.

And iStonia asked for a possible standard setup
No, he asked
Is it possible to have a standard setting?
which is not the same.

Try using "Best fit"[F6].

  • Posts: 82
  • Edge
December 07, 2012, 11:07:14 pm
Hi Steve,
                    It worked perfectly. Thank you, and thank you IStonia.
You guys helped me with a better understanding of scale. Something that has been a mystery
to me for years. Again thank you!

Oh, I see this went viral. Just wanted to thank you guys for the help. Thanks  ;D

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December 07, 2012, 11:14:51 pm
Hi 3dwizzard,

You are welcome, and good to hear now working well.

Oh, I see this went viral
I think Tiles is looking for a new mission now he has finished the icons  ::) ;D

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    • Reiner`s Tilesets
December 08, 2012, 08:37:52 am
Steve, with all now finally lost respect, what the fuck do you think you are doing here? I mean, it can`t be any more obvious, can it?

This thread here for example went as surreal as a dali image now.

I tell iStonia about how other apps handle the unit thing. And that it may be a good idea to do the same. You jump onto the table and declare this as wrong in general.
I deliver hard provable facts and hard values to prove my point. I even deliver an explanation why it is the way it is. See Physics engines. See values in an Obj file. You simply ignore them. Or declare them as wrong again.
I tell you the apps where it works. You ask me to name a few apps, because i haven`t yet. That one was a really funny one.
I name even more apps where it works this way. You tell me this all is wrong because Cine doesn`t work this way. And when it`s not 100% then it`s 0%, right? Just to prove me wrong ...
I tell you that even Cine works that way when you change the units to meters. You tell me this is wrong, because the standard units are centimeters. Unchangeable of course ... . No, they are changeable. And every cine user i have asked has already changed it back to meters. And i know quite a few, being a moderator at a german 3D board.

You played the big guardian here in this thread, ignoring and twisting facts where ever it fits best to your strategy. Just reading the bits where you can prove me wrong. Not the first time that you are trying to protect iStonia from the evil world of any new ideas, or maybe even changings, Yikes!

And now you accuse me to be on a mission? I mean, honestly, and to repeat it, WHAT THE FUCK?

There`s already more than one thread where you are trying hard to make me look like a moron in the one or another way. It is simply too obvious to be ignored any longer. What is it? Are you scared to loose the number one position of the most loved Nvil fans? I don`t want this position, thanks. I´m only interested to have some fun here and there. And shaping the icons was fun. That was the reason why i made them. Not to fawn towards iStonia or to steal you the position of the Number one fan.

I hate fanboys with a passion anyways. There`s nothing worse. I don`t want to be one. I´ve seen software dying at fanboys, and i start to see the same patterns here again. I was even the goal of my own fanboys before too. I develop games. No sir, that`s nothing i like.

And you act like a very bad fanboy here in this thread.

Now i know why Nvil has so few active members at this board. Five when i count right. Now that`s big masses of happy users, isn`t it? You do a really good job here Steve!

But okay, you won. I will not touch this forum anymore. Nvil is completely yours again. I have better things to do.

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December 08, 2012, 09:15:13 am
No more fire please!

I know you guys just try to help so I can't blame any of you. Discussions are wellcome and very helpfull. But please...

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December 08, 2012, 11:09:56 am
I will not quote or reply to most of the post, little point. I will just comment on this section,...

I tell you that even Cine works that way when you change the units to meters. You tell me this is wrong, because the standard units are centimeters. Unchangeable of course ... . No, they are changeable. And every cine user i have asked has already changed it back to meters. And i know quite a few, being a moderator at a german 3D board.

Your main point as been changing the defaults of NVIL to match the defaults of other common applications. I put forward that the defaults in other applications are different. You counter that by saying the users change the defaults to suit. To me that is a contradiction.

One of the applications you put forward, Truespace, as importing a default [.obj) 2x2x2 cube from Blender at the same unit size. I checked and found that to be incorrect, as both its .obj importers by default scale the imported .obj to fit screen. Did you go onto the Caligari forum and ask them to change the defaults so it matches up with blender?, or did you simply change the defaults to suit!

I see no point in trying to change the defaults in NVIL to suit other users settings in various other applications that are probably just as, if not more different between them than the various defaults in place. It is not possible

If the current NVIL defaults are not what the user wants, then like with all the other applications, they can be changed by the user to suit, as you put forward they are already doing in other applications.

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December 08, 2012, 12:29:14 pm
Anyway, I have changed the default unit setup. It shouldn't affect any existing user settings. Wnen I made the original setup, I had no idea what it should be.

The scene scale definition is changed from
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000

unit setup:
1 as  1 meter
0.001 as 1 millimeter
0.0254 as i inch

grid interval: 25 generic unit
view grid interval: 0.01 generic unit

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December 08, 2012, 12:57:24 pm
It shouldn't affect any existing user settings.

It does change the users "scene scale" setting. Mine went from 1 to 100.

Just letting you know.

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    • Reiner`s Tilesets
December 08, 2012, 03:20:02 pm
I will not quote or reply to most of the post, little point.

Yeah, why should you. You have reached your goal, haven`t you? I exploded. And i will think twice before i start another request. So Congrats.

I`m simply too old for this kind of shit. It steals my lifetime to battle with fanatic software guards. I did this too often in the past. I´m tired of it. I have better things to do.

Your main point as been changing the defaults of NVIL to match the defaults of other common applications. I put forward that the defaults in other applications are different. You counter that by saying the users change the defaults to suit. To me that is a contradiction.

No, they are in fact very common and not different, no matter how much exceptions you deliver. The number of apps where it fits is by classes bigger.

And again you start to twist facts. Yeah, when i twist the facts enough then everything is a contradiction. I just need to twist the facts enough.

This is the outcome when you just read and search for the bits where you want to disagree. And not the whole text.

One of the applications you put forward, Truespace, as importing a default [.obj) 2x2x2 cube from Blender at the same unit size. I checked and found that to be incorrect, as both its .obj importers by default scale the imported .obj to fit screen. Did you go onto the Caligari forum and ask them to change the defaults so it matches up with blender?, or did you simply change the defaults to suit!

There was never a need to. The stuff did and does fit to me. Dunno what you did here.

Hm. You most probably have used the default obj importer from the menu in the modeler side. That one`s known as buggy and useless since ages. It was implemented with trueSpace 3 or 4 in the old millenium. And since this time never changed or fixed. It imports indeed the Blender standard cube with 8x8x8 meters. This is a relict from the times where units was really a big problem for transfer between the apps. Nobody uses this since ages. But yes, that`s nothing that a non tS user knows. So congrats for finding another exception. And in this case you are right.

Use the LUUV plugin. Thats the working obj importer. And this one imports the Blender cube with 2x2x2 meters. Which fits to Blenders 2x2x2 units for a standard cube. Means when you untick Autoscale in its settings, which is again a relict from the old times. Hm, this one should be off anyways. Curious. Anyways. Also the LUUV plugin is very aged. And trueSpace development is stopped since nearly four years now too. There`s by the way a third obj im- and exporter for the workspace side. Which deals the units in a fitting way. And a fourth abandoned one exists too somewhere. Which also has dealt with the units in a similar way. One obj unit equal one meter / one trueSpace unit. But this one did never fully work.

That`s why i have named a whole bunch more common apps, to go around your "i find the grain" attitude. Again, it`s not the exceptions that makes the rule.

I see no point in trying to change the defaults in NVIL to suit other users settings in various other applications that are probably just as, if not more different between them than the various defaults in place. It is not possible

And i already showed you that it is not only possible, but very common out there. Provable in several apps. When you would be right then it would be the exception that you can transfer a cube in 2x2x2 units from one app, and it arrives with 2x2x2 units in the other app. But it is not.

So no further comment besides one comment: Of course it is nothing official where you can rely at. Most of the common modeling apps started like iStonia`s Nvil. With arbitrarily units, not caring for im- and export, since the whole work happened in one app anyways in the old days. That`s where the old hassle with file transfer and fitting scale/units came from in the first place.

But it started to become a problem when you started to unwrap in other apps for example. Or to animate. Or to render. Something that didn`t fit into a pipeline here simply gots dropped.

If the current NVIL defaults are not what the user wants, then like with all the other applications, they can be changed by the user to suit, as you put forward they are already doing in other applications.

And again, then why not make some useful and common default settings in the first place that fits to other apps so that the user doesn`t have to change anything at all for default needs? So that you just need to change it for uncommon cases, and not the regular ones?

Even when you would be right with your points, it`s a win win situation to fit it to the big and common boys since the units are internally arbitrary anyways. And Nvil is not a whole package but just a modeler. So it better fits into a pipeline. This was the whole point of this request. And not to lead a fundamental debate.

Thanks by the way for implementing it :)
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December 08, 2012, 05:39:20 pm
i dont recall haveing any problems, and my 32x32x32 cube from maya is the same size in nvil
and matches to my grid of 16 units fine.

never had a issue.

also setting so called BETTER defualts, isnt really much of a options since depending on what the user does, they will use units differently.

so why do you got a 5 page thread, on what comes down to individual user preference, when nothing is broken.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2012, 05:53:22 pm by Passerby »