

Topic: Save file Request  (Read 2512 times)

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August 25, 2015, 06:00:03 pm
Can you make by default when you close project it will be saved as .vws?
Today I lost project that I worked for 1 day. I started it from .ojb and absolutely forget  about it and when I close project NVil asked me if I wanted to save it I clicked - yes and close NVil. But after that I wanted to continue to work but only .obj was available :( . So it would be great if NVil save on close in .vws, but if you want to save in obj you can change it in save dialog it will not allow us to loose our work by mistake.
Also can you change all SAVE commands to save by default in .vws despite of what type of object we opened on start? It will also make sure we will not loose our work. If we wanted to save in .obj we have command - Export.

Second thing,
now when you have opened project and want to open another NVil ask you:
The current scene will be replaced by the new scene, Do you want to continue?

But instead of this it could be great to have Save dialog like this:
The current scene will be replaced by the new scene, Do you want to save current project?
Yes, No, Cancel

« Last Edit: August 25, 2015, 06:56:10 pm by samardac »

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August 28, 2015, 10:19:51 am
I added the file name in the dialog text. That should help to avoid the mistake.

  • Posts: 1697
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August 28, 2015, 11:36:22 am
Good :)